Topic: Prayer

What is intercessory prayer?

To intercede means to come between, or to intervene on behalf of someone else. One way to visualize what intercession represents is when someone steps in front of another person to personally shield them from a danger they face. Intercessory prayer is when we pray on...

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Learning How to Pray

How can I learn how to pray? Jesus taught His disciples to pray by setting the example for them. After watching and listening to Jesus pray, they asked Him to teach them to pray. “Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of...

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Does God Answer My Prayers?

Why does it seem like God doesn’t always hear and answer my prayers? Psalm 65:2 praises God as “You who hear prayer.” But sometimes it may seem like God doesn’t answer our prayers. There were times in the Bible when men of faith felt like God had not heard their...

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